Through the Pages
I’ve only gained, as you console me through the pages of my fantasies… Fantasies that I breathe a sign of essence when I sleep… To awake with the hopes that you’ll ultimately feel me, conceding what’s real and what’s fiction…feeling the love that’s grown in between concreted stones… With glares at the moon, keeping us close… Although we haven’t danced to the perfect love song, you rest in my heart in visions of loveliness, singing songs in a poignant storybook, keeping you close to my heart in the lines of my storms… Hoping one day you’ll hold me, filling the emptiness of you missing… as I keep writing pages keeping you near me… until that one day I awake and your holding me…
By Shana A. ©️
💜🌙✨🪐🏳️🌈💋🌻 #ThroughthePages
Purple Flames: Inferno of Poetry &
Passions of Love
Available on Amazon, Apple iBooks & Barnes & Noble
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