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  • Writer's pictureShana A.

Sweet Melodies

Hi beautiful souls, I’m busy working on several things, but here’s a little something from my mind & heart…

I have to be loved sweet and gentle… That’s a turn on to me, that’s what creates poetry and that how you keep my attention... #sweetmelodies 💜🏳️‍🌈🙏🏾

P.S. Too old for games!!! True love finds you and don’t ket it get away…

Sweet Melodies

I desire to be loved in sweet melodies of your vibes caressing my every being…

I want be loved in a front of an audience into the curtains closing into our own ambiance…

I’ve played enough games,

When I’m on your mind

Let me feel your flames,

No guessing…no wondering

Heat up my passion

With your love

Orbiting my inner galactic…

Love me gentle

Into soundless nights

Where only our hearts speak through foreplay…

Love me loud,

Where we create emotional earthquakes…

Love me in sweet melodies

With lyrics straightforward to love’s true meaning,

Love me free

Where your sweetness intensifies all of me…

All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️


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