My Burning Tree
I was blind,
I was fascinated at loving the wrong person,
That it shadowed all over me…
I couldn’t see any other person…
I gave praises of praises that belonged to me…
Until the day of self elation
I looked in the mirror and fell in love with me…
I saw my successes that was hidden behind a burning tree,
Branches that swung light into me,
I saw that I was worthy of love
I was worthy of burning shattered bridges,
Everything I feared became the blaze in my soul,
I fell out of the love that hurt me, to receive love…
That fueled the fire in my soul…
I no longer needed approval
I no longer needed to use words for healing,
I no longer wasted days hoping for a love that didn’t nourish my heart
I no longer hide the person I’ve become,
For love healed everything that was broken
That’s when I saw her,
That one that loves my crazy, the one that loves my flaws, the one that could love me boldly, the one that wouldn’t leave me begging.
The one ready to take on the world with me, the one never second guessing, no longer hiding behind trees.
Love was just the beginning, of the fire that’s embedded in me…by Shana A.©️
I wrote this awhile ago and the power behind manifestation is real…
Sometimes you have to fall out of love with what hurt you to receive love… To love me for me, is love… Have a great day!!! See y’all July 24th… Bye bye celibacy, hello love… ♾💜💋🙏🏾🏳️🌈✈️😁 #MyBurningTree #erased
Purple Flames: Inferno of Poetry &
Passions of Love
Available on Amazon, Apple iBooks & Barnes & Noble
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