Magical Expectations
Can you handle being loved…
Anybody can sleep around, but can you handle being loved…
Maybe the only way to unspell me is to love me,
Maybe that will stop the bewitching craziness I possess
Maybe I do have too many expectations
Beyond your imagination…
Casual sex played out when curfews phased out…and epidemics came about…
Can you handle meaningful love
The kind that make you smile just because…
Even if it fails,
I want to live in the moment
In the vision of the dreams I hoped for…
I may have magical expectations
That don’t mean I’ll fold if I don’t get what’s expected…
Maybe loving me is the key
Having you be a part of my life
Is enough for me,
I just hope to never have blank verses
Making love disappear like it wasn’t worth it… All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️
To each it’s own but, I love myself too much to be out here having casual sex, this not the 90’s give me something more meaningful… Keep love alive for me…
There is something more beautiful about love that causal sex becomes pointless… Expectations are normal, but that don’t mean things crumble when you don’t get what’s expected!!!
Side note: I’m so excited because I’m finally letting my Daddy teach me how to play the guitar. I only wanted to learn from the best and he said, “Baby Girl it’s never too late” Never give up on your dream fuck age… Teamnosleep!!! 💜🙏🏾💋♐️🎸