Another favorite sitcom… Comparison… Have a great rest of the week! 💜🤣🤣🤣🏳️🌈💋#LoveMatters
Sitcom Poetry Challenge with screenwriters…
Love Matters
I often get perplexed,
Whose Urkel, whose Laura
Sometimes I even feel like Myra…
In an uncontrollable love
The heart has taken over,
As Urkel, I couldn’t love another one
With fine possibilities
You’re the one that breathes life into me…
As Laura, I deny this love
I know feels good to my soul
Rejecting the path to bring us closer,
Annoyed with your tactics
Cringing my attitude to flames that boil over…
But I can’t seem to get rid of you…
“You love me don’t you”
Echoes the mind
You’re in the same position…at the same time…
Turning into my female Stephon
Here in this dimension where you’re all mines…
As Myra, I adore you, over loving you,
Infatuated of every core of you
Oblivious to your heart belonging to another
“Did I do that”
Every time I make love to you in a poem…
In this crazy love triangle,
We both played a role of each character, two bashful charming nerds in vibrating light that registers…
“Did I do that” In words denying this love wasn’t a factor,
Behind a pen of realistic illusions
Is where the end becomes the conclusion
Love winning over delusions…
Where love matters
Hope stretches the ladder
To heights we didn’t think could happen…
All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️
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Check out both my books
Purple Flames: Inferno of Poetry &
Passions of Love
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