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  • Writer's pictureShana A.

Life’s Simplicity

Love is that simple… Sometimes we just make it difficult. Love is courage not manipulation. To have a woman that is courageous enough to love and understand is all I can ask for… I’m glad I’ve always been open and honest with my feelings even through rejection… That’s what love is… When it becomes too complicated to love, question it…

I won’t be posting much poetry this summer because I have a full load of real business I’m working on. Plus, I’m enjoying my summer offline living my life… I’ll try to post when I can, but please stay tuned in for Greatness with Greatness almost every Sunday… Check your inboxes, you never know when I’ll hit you up to polish your crown…

Have an amazing summer… Go out and LIVE!!! Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Follow @chicagocousinstraveling I posted a short vlog, but we got great vacations coming from Istanbul, Cabo and Dubai… Lesbian travel on the way…💜🙌🏾🏳️‍🌈

Don’t forget to check out my books:

Watering Flames

Purple Flames: Inferno of Poetry

Passions of Love

Link in Bio

All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️


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