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  • Writer's pictureShana A.

Internet Crush

Love song from the soul…a mood…💜🏳️‍🌈🙏🏾💋 #internetcrush

Internet Crush

I want to be adored,

Just not in this form…

I don’t want page admiration

I want to be loved…

Through several different phases

Your touch would feel amazing

Love would mean so much more…

For my body to be felt

With your kisses I can melt,

I need so much more,

The love I have envisioned

Growing to win in completion,

Traveling every season,

Girl I need more,

Date nights on the weekends

In your arms I’m breathing,

I can’t take this much more…

I’m settling for less than I deserve,

My lady lumps need to be explored,

I want so much more,

Your voice being my awakening,

Someone I can share everything,

I can’t take this love…

I deserve so much more…

Than being an internet crush

Baby, I need more…before we call this love…

To be continued… Coming soon!

All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️


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