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  • Writer's pictureShana A.



I don’t want to just write poetry,

I want to write love…

The energy I feel from you

Removes me from a unsafe place

Carrying me higher than the stars above…

You are the peace I’ve longed for,

You are the love that gives me hope…

I lay in thoughts and prayers on loving you,

I healed stagnant emotions I knew wasn’t true,

Just in the thoughts of loving you…

Alone…I stood still, waiting for a soulful love that brings inner healing…

The one that won’t pull my heart up and down on strings

In emotions gone unseen…

Between galaxies

I find my self connected to you,

An inspiration of my words bringing life anew…

I don’t have to speak poetry

Looking at you I relive poetry…

Taking me into fantasies

I desire to fulfill

Letting all my emotions be revealed…

I will admit I’ve forgot how to initiate a date

I know how to love,

I need to receive love in the deepest formality, therefore keeping my faith…

I no longer desire to vibrate planets not meant to align

I no longer want to love what isn’t mines…

I want to invade your planet with love

When we become alienated from the rest of the world…

Euphorically caressing the edges of celibacy with envisions of my tongue laying majestic verses between the abs of your feminine sculpture,

Where intergalactically…unanimous love has been aligning…

💜🏳️‍🌈💋🫶🏾 #intergalactic

Everything is written by Shana A. ©️

All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️


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