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  • Writer's pictureShana A.

Her Transformation

No matter how difficult your journey is, keep moving forward… Tell your own story with your head high!!! The power is in you being you, not trying to walk in someone else path… Have a great day everyone… 💜🙏🏾🏳️‍🌈🙌🏾 💋 #hertransformation

Her Transformation

She has danced along the shadows of demons,

Calmed inner storms through the creases of her scars…

Walking head high in painted pictures,

Imprinting love in their hearts…

She’ll walk the same path with no shame

Until she enters her chosen realm…

Her crown can’t be replaced

Her story was told in truthful grace,

Diminishing the fiction to rejoice in the nonfictional,

Laying down in her sensual dimensions…

She walks in her own story

Where judgements disperse in the wind

Her love story transcends…

She is the light of her crown

The rainbow of smiles,

The strength of her elegance

Embracing her battles,

Her transformation

Is in her walk,

Continuing her journey onward…

All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️

Separating the fiction from nonfictional


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