Happy Thursday, oh how I love hookahs!!! I want to smoke your body like a hookah without even touching you…So that when I touch you, you will be the star that burst in to Pluto…Vibes…💜💋😁💨⭐️💫🪐#HerNicotine
Her Nicotine
On Thursday nights
You lay in the cage of my ribs
As I inhale you
In every keystroke,
Your intoxicating vapors flow through my lungs
Being the nicotine
My heart beats for…
Your fermented mint smoke
Eases my mind
To unwind my fire
Soothing amidst the interspace
While my lady lips
Concoct pineapple julep
For you taste in our hour of discretion,
I’m loving high
In her smoke
Amongst her Pluto sky,
Why ask why…
She’s the nicotine my heart is feening for…that’s why…she’s my hookah smoke… Shana A. ©️
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