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  • Writer's pictureShana A.

Half Moon

Half Moon

The half moon revealed the illusion of love…

Blindness had to darken light

To unmask the truth,

She loved what was far to reach

What couldn’t beam light in her galaxy,

She gazed as the star faded

To be where it should be…

Happily to see true love

In this life they couldn’t be,

The star wasn’t capable to feel the moon’s energy

To see in distance

The beauty that was blooming,

Her eyes were set on her royal conquest

A tainted rose wasn’t worthy for her realm…

Dreams revealed reality

She had to feel this wasn’t a fantasy,

Pain needed to decay

What didn’t belonged to her

Helping her regain faith…

Now love can come her way,

To feel the essence of a healthy connection

Witness passion in the form of actions,

She needed this half moon pain,

To appreciate her new beginning…

All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️


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