I always hated to see people say words hold no meaning or don’t listen to words… Well there is some truth in that.
However, when you feel with your heart you’ll always know what’s true… I’ve seen actions faked. Where people look you in your face or lay next to you and be fake… One thing about the heart, when the heart sing, it’s singing the truth. It’s up to you to listen… Love is a feeling, not just an action… We got some great actors out here too!!! 💜🏳️🌈💋🙏🏾 #foryou
For You
Can I share the real
I been holding it all for you,
Hoping you’ll feel me behind words,
Realizing my truth…
I want to unleash this passion I have boiling inside to only you,
Baby, I can’t help getting mad when you deny my love for you
When my mind and heart is wrapped up in saving this all for you,
I lay in pray for the day my desires come true…
To look you in your eyes
Tuning out the world to only you,
To let patience gift me ultimate passion
For you to feel my warmth
Rising temperature only for you,
To release my burdens because your my healing,
To heal you by being together,
I been waiting, for you…
To call me home to live in our truth…
You’re the only woman that fascinate my subconscious
In vibrations only the universe can conjunction,
I’m saving it all for you…
Hoping one day you’ll believe my truth,
That all my love is for you…
All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️