Excuse Miss
I know you love me,
Watching every move
Like bots throwing…feuds…
Beauty behind the beast
A spell casted you can’t defeat…
It pains you to see her shine
See her winning with kindness
Striking demons with wings of fire,
Excuse miss
Your words can’t cut a heart of lion
I’m the bird that flies
Cutting your hateful strings of lies
While you watch me soar the skies…
Pecking snakes eyes in the blink of an eye
Excuse miss
You believe what I lead you to
To expose the stalking
You’re obsessed too…
Spreading fake love that never bleeds the truth
I got wings of an angel…I can hug you,
Heal your hate
Your subject too…
Or burn you with the fire that lies in my soul
When my hell froze over...
Excuse miss
I’m just getting started…
Your voodoo bleeds jealousy
Watching me love what’s scheduled to be,
I’ll never return to hell when heaven awaits me…
Let me polish these crowns that’s waiting on me…
Excuse miss
Keep watching me
You and your gang that never can’t stop me,
My wings only keep growing
I burned the phoenix and rose from the ocean…
Excuse miss
I’m just loving off my love potion… By Shana A. ©️
It’s just poetry… Be better than a bully!!! 🤣🤣🤣 5 minute spill… Okay I had fun, getting ready for Cabo for Pride make sure y’all follow Chicago Cousins Traveling new videos coming, I’ll post pictures later… Love y’all!!! 💜💋💯🏳️🌈🙏🏾😀#ExcuseMiss
Greatness with Greatness
Purple Flames Sequel coming soon
Purple Flames: Inferno of Poetry &
Passions of Love
Available on Amazon, Apple iBooks & Barnes & Noble
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