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  • Writer's pictureShana A.


If you’re not a part of helping the cause then shut up and let God… I don’t quit nothing!!! Let me rest… 💜🙏🏾🏳️‍🌈 #echos


Resting my wings

To not burn my dreams,

Letting my heart think

To see what’s meant for me…

All I hear is echos haunting me

Trying to drain the sweetness out of me…

Negativity thinking

When I’m focus on my lessons

Making room for more blessings,

I got demons stalking

For money they didn’t work for,

I got a devil blocking love at my door…

My wings been fighting

Battles I didn’t ask for,

All I want is my peace restored…

Echos of lies

Bitterness in their cries,

My absence creating a tussle

Mouths louder than their hustle,

Ludacris gave the message

Too loud for them

To receive the passage…

Echos from the abyss

I send light

Stop stealing my work and find bliss,

No competition

When I’m authentic…

Words of advice

I don’quit I’m here to win

Shut up,

While the universe align my wins…

Everything is written by Shana A. ©️

All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️


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