National World Poetry Day, I’m a Poet I’m always a fool for love and I have to express myself. Please remember I’m not in the same category with the rest of the world… Alien… Today was fun have a good night everyone I'm going for Pizza and sleep then tons of work ahead... 😂😁💜💋🏳️🌈🧿 #dejavu #heartsflu
Heart’s Flu
Deja vu
Feelings were flowing like the flu
In need of soul binding love
Which way do I go,
No vaccine for the heart
Veins pumping of love,
60mp miles a hour
No clutch,
Pumped the brakes
I saved myself
From the disaster of love…
I’m a poet’s heart
Can I really run from love,
Deja vu
I’m sick with this flu
Veins pouring rain
Hoping to water what feeds my pain
Love on the brain
But the feelings ain’t the same,
Poet’s heart of Deja vu…
Inking the heart’s flu…
All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️