Many can never handle or choose the sacrifices you made. Never be ashamed for making sacrifices for yourself or your loved ones… Ending tragic relationships may require you to start from the beginning of where love first started…Surround yourself with healthy love, not people’s opinions…
I told my story because people will tell it with half truths and leaving out the most important facts. Passions of Love is my story… Available now along with my other 3 fictional sapphic books…
💜🦋🏳️🌈🙏🏾😁 #piecesofme
Black Butterfly Effect
I’ve suppressed the pieces of me that embodied the pleasure of isolation…
An early separation into independence raised in my life without pressure…
As my heart healed, sacrifices were made in favor of the birth of pieces of me…
Therefore I am, a black butterfly forever transforming…
Everything is written by Shana A. ©️
All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️
Check out my 4 Sapphic Books all available now… 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
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