So many minds baffled,
Telling sides that hold no factor…
Is it sabotage or being real…
Love taken for granted at your own will…
Watched behind trees waiting to feed your soul needs…
How long was silence suppose to live in patience…
You followed a trend
Assumptions won instead of seeking the real,
Reality of the web
Only 20% revealed
Third eyed was blocked from bad frequency…Your spill…
I feel bad the full story will never be quilled…
A moon that orbited me
Without fully utilizing the energy…
Was it sabotage or real
What you ask from me in the beginning
Now real inking your feelings…
I’m human, I’ve healed releasing feelings
Left sitting in darkness of mockery…
How can I face who left me…
That’s not soul love chemistry,
Hands never got dirty
To dig deep in the depth me…
Confused words settled in your mentality
Dancing to fame
Wanting every passage to be inked in your name…
Sabotage granted me power
To walk away
Letting you choose fake…
Over love that could have fed every point of your being…
I realized fear never lived in me
It was you who sabotage the reality…
Just words...
All rights reserved by Shana A. ©️
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